This was The Thing that Husband did not want me to blog about. To most, a move may not seem like a big secret, but Husband was superstitious until all the details were solid. I respect that; I even kinda buy into it. But god, I would have rather emotionally blahblahblah all up in the blog about it all. Recapping now about all the shit we've been through in the last six weeks since we made the decision is anticlimactic. It's like I don't have the energy any more now that things are golden and all set.
Transitioning four lives to a place that's an hour away without taking off any work or without missing our regular activities was not easy. It has been high pressure and Husband and I have been impressive. We are tremendous under this kind of pressure, especially as a team. While many couples would fight and get on each others nerves during stressful, action-packed times, we hunker down and do our best in such situations. In the last six weeks, we have nailed down good jobs (he has an excited new one and I convinced my current one to let me work from home and commute),we researched and hand picked the best schools, scoped out markets and local shops; we found activities for the girls and ourselves, and we chose an exact neighborhood where we wanted to live. Because we were uncompromising about where to live -- a four square block area-- finding a place caused us the most stress and dragged out a little more than was comfortable. I found the baby mass in my breast during this housing limbo and I sat at my desk those two days before my doctor's appointment unsuccessfully trying to quell the pin pong ball of anxiety that bounced around furiously in my chest and head. With only 2 weeks left in our lease here, we just nailed down our apartment only yesterday. But it's perfect. The patience and stubbornness paid off.
The stress has calmed and the excitement has kicking into high gear. I'm trying not to think about the fact that we will move only a few days before we leave for the Junior Olympics in Atlanta. Oh well, Husband and I will handle that well too I'm sure. The last time we moved, the people that said they'd help us flaked out at the last moment and Husband and I moved IT ALL ourselves including getting our refrigerator up to our second-floor apartment. I'm so excited about getting to Santa Monica, in two weeks you can strap the fridge to my back and I'll run it up the 405 freeway on foot.
No more gag order. I'll keep you posted.
How exciteing, moving freaks me out a little, but it does seem like an adventure.
Woohoo! Congratulations on your new adventure! If we lived near you, I'd totally help you lug boxes to the new place.
Ok, so maybe I wouldn't really. But I'd _totally_ send the husband in my place.
Wow, that's exciting! Congratulations!!
Awesome. The Farmer's Market is great on both Weds and Saturdays!
Congrats on your move to Santa Monica, I used to live in Cali in the SF valley so I know Santa Monica is a great area close to everything. Have fun!!
We'll visit - you know we will!
and know you'll get to go back to Jim's class -- so cool.
I am happy for you mama!
It's a good place for your familia!
You'll get to vote for democrats and they will win! Imagine that! Lefty dems too!
the westside might not know it yet, but I've a feeling you're going to stir up some good stuff in santa monica. congrats!
you sound so excited. congratulations on the move.
Wishing you much luck on your move and you little one's journey to atlanta.
As much as I love the idea of you holding space near Laguna for me (ha:)!)
I am WAY MORE EXCITED that you are getting all of your happy healthy butts to one of the best spots in LA!
Yeah yeah yeah.
I remember how freaking hard it is to find the perfect spot anywhere in LA much less SM so you KNOW it's meant to be, mama.
Big congrats.
Congratulations! I hate moving but it sounds exciting and perfect. Good luck hauling stuff around, ugh.
I had a feeling this was the Thing, so congratulations--I am glad it's solid and everything's coming together like it's sposta.
I am an expert mover and if I weren't in Tennessee one million miles away, I would totally tote some boxes. MANY CONGRATS!!!
HURRAY!!! I've been wanting to ask about your move, since I saw you but knew mum was the word! I'm so thrilled for you and your familia ~ I know how much you've wanted to be back there. xo!!
god i am so behind. everytime i wait too long to read your posts i miss SO MUCH!
i am so stoked for you! yay for santa monica!
they are lucky to get you.
if i lived closer, i would help you move : )
thinking about you.. read your blog... sorry about the illness... it will work out as it is meant to be... can not wait to see the place.. lotto gal at work... T.
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