During the forms part of the video, Maya is on the left. During the sparring portion of our program, she is the fighter farthest away, facing the viewer. I love how when Maya gets in a good flurry of kicks, we are cheering so hard that the camera gets off center. I get choked up everytime I watch this.
tofu nuggets
5 hours ago
I know pretty much next to nothing about this sport but I have to say that even to my inexperienced eye, it was completely obvious that it was not the video, but Maya who was kicking ass. WOW.
DUDE-- that is the raddest thing I've seen in a long time.
(yeah, I'll take that over photobooth friday, my friend)
That other girl just kept backing away backing away backing away. Maya definitely kicks a** :), sister!
that was impressive! Way to go Maya!
Uh...choked up, yes. Even your cyber friend got choked up. Awesome!
That is to awesome, I got choked up watching it. How old was she when you got her into this? We are thinking of what we want to put our kids in, soccer? gymnastics? This is so inspiring every time you talk about it I want to run down to the local taekwando place and sign them up (Jack, stella to young I think).
Wow - powerful - Louis and I just watched it together.
I agree with Laume. Even in the forms, Maya looked like she had such controlled energy...it was just great.
Aah man, thanks everybody. I love being able to share the video with all my blog friends who cheer her on. With the dropshots site, we'll be able to post the J.O.'s too!
Hi Heather, Maya was almost 6 when she started. We gave her a choice to try ballet or TKD then and she chose TKD. When we realized that it was 1000% more than just an activity (the discipline, re-enforcing respect/self respect, the self defense aspect), we were hooked. We put Mina in at 5, but we haven't moved her along at the rate Maya did so she's now about on track with Maya. Maya did not do a tournament until she was almost a blackbelt. After her first tournament I think is when she was REALLY hooked.
Ohmygod, that was so, SO cool. Thanks for posting it! It's great to get to cheer for Maya, even if it's after the fact.
Holy cow - Maya rocks!! I don't really know anything about the sport either, but you can totally tell how poised and precise Maya is with her forms and how she totally dominated in the sparring. The other girl just kept backing away! I can't believe all the twirly kicks and she just makes it look so natural and easy. Can't wait to see the JO coverage. Go Team Maya!!
uh, dude, that was so awesome. she kicked some blond girl ass! yes, her forms were mesmerizing. such focus. you and husband must be beside yourself.
oh, and by the by, i still have that picture of mad dog in my "box"-hee, hee. i guess i should get rid of that because that would not be pretty if boyfriend found it.
Wow! What a little warrior! She is on the attack the entire match -- the other girl's just trying to get away. Thanks for posting that. It gave me the chills. (girl power!)
Wow! She's amazing! I don't know anything about this but she really looked good to me. Congrats!
Man, I'm all snuffling and weeping over here in Minnie. What a good thing to watch the morning of my doctoral exam. They're going to be all asking me questions about the history of opera and I'm going to be all like "pa-POW!"
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