I choked a little on my veggie burger out of surprise, even as I beamed a little. I said, "Really, baby?"
She said, "Yes," very proud of the announcement as she bit into her turkey burger.
I said, "I think that's totally cool, but do you know what a vegetarian is exactly?"
She said, "They don't eat animals."
I said, "That includes fish." She thought and then nodded, "Ok."
I said, "Or turkey burgers or turkey bacon . . .” She seemed a little surprised by this.
I put my hand on hers and said, "Tell me why you want to be a vegetarian." She giggled and blushed. After squirming a bit, she said, "Because it's good for the environment?" She looked at me to make sure she had said the right thing.
I said, "Great! How is that good for the environment?"
She said, "Because meat has a lot fat." (Huh?)
I said, "That's actually a great reason why eating less meat is healthier."
She said, "I want to be healthier. I want to me like you, Mami." She looked down shyly. And I almost put my forehead on the table and cried my eyes out.
I said, "Oh baby, that's awesome, thank you. But you know, if you really want to be a vegetarian, you can work your way there. You can try not eating red meat and see how that goes."
She thought for a second and said, "Ok!"
"And if you're cool with that," I said, "then try cutting something else out if you want. But you have to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and good stuff, ok?"

Maya spoke up again, "When my friends try to pressure me into eating a hamburger, I'll tell them, Look, I'm trying to become a vegetarian so please try to respect that." This piece of dialogue sounded exactly like the Peer-Pressure-Drug/Alcohol role play we do regularly. I found it hilarious that she had turned this into a Dare Not to Do Drugs/Alcohol/Red Meat campaign. Good for her, I thought. But I decided to leave out the part that she'll get far more pressure to eat the things she's given up than she will to try weed or beer.
Then she said, "Mami, I'll give up red meat when I get back from New York." Both daughters left this morning for New York to stay with Mama Luz and Big Papi for three weeks. Waiting to start her Road to Vegetarianism was brilliant because eliminating red meat from the grandparent's meal plans would have caused utter chaos. "Great idea, Maya," I said. "Then you'll really be ready."
"Oh yea," she said.
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