Here's the scene as I work from home today: My work laptop is on my . . er . . . lap, I'm lounging on my bed with every single pillow either behind me or around me. Pugs are snuggled in as tightly as pugly possible because god forbid they should venture to any other part of a queen-sized bed. Curlers are in my hair; I'm not sure why. To be honest, I'm experimenting. In front of me, on the TV, North Texas is trying to knock Memphis out of the men's NCAA tournament. I am yelling at the TV, at North Texas (causing the pugs to flinch) for the big upset. This is the exact tournament for which I wait all year. Three weeks of bliss started for me yesterday.
What I'm trying to say is that I'll be distracted during this tournament, but the fact that I am blogging during the second day, historically one of the more exciting days of the tourney, is a testament of my love for you. To add to my distraction, I run a huge March Madness pool. This year is the 8th annual. I twist people's arm to enroll and then I write commentary after each round and force all poolers to read it, quenching my sports-writing fantasy. This year there are record-breaking entries and if the IRS or the feds are reading this, What's up, boys? All 85 of my pool participants are playing for, uh, a handshake and a you're-a-genius pat on the back. I'm happy to report that I also lured this enthusiast into the pool, and we've made a side bet. The consequences are blog related. Look for humiliating results posted by the loser in approximately three weeks. M, You're going DOWN!
winter squash black bean quinoa
2 days ago
Bitch please. I'm down but I am in no way out. Now leave me alone -- the Irish are playing.
Oh sister, are you trying to raise the stakes with that talk?
P.S. It looks like Notre Dame might be the first upset of the day, and the day before St. Patrick's Day?? Is that even allowed?
NMSU, bitchez! Let's! Go! All! The! Way! We are scary-ass hired thugs and we will smoke you pansy-ass academics like a fine philly blunt! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
[Okay, totally artificial sports nut mode OFF. But I would be very pleased if my beloved alma mater advanced to the next round.]
I always think of you when March Madness comes about, I'll watch you all from my ignorant happy place. I like that you do all of this with curlers in your hair, you go Mami!
Ok. Seven hours later. NOW I'm out. Winthrop?? Who the F is Winthrop?
ahhhh, love me march madness! i've got to give it up for the boys in green and white from michigan state as they battle mighty nc later tonight.
i'm thinking green and white are great colors for today and all and they might just get lucky!
madness, your pool sounds like the bomb. everyone i work with is lame. lame asses with no idea what a bracket even is. such a shame...
i hope you win the handshake!
M, you're not out yet. The girl in the pool that picked your beloved Irish to go ALL THE WAY is out out. You're not officially out out -- yet.
Hey, anyone of you fine ladies with the March Madness fever who wants to be in the pool next year, lemme know. If you're watching this year's tourney and want the emailed commentary, lemme know. I'm shameless; I understand this, but I also understand when one is obsessed with March Madness, so I'm just throwing that out there.
i would LOVE to be in the pool next year and i would LOVE to read your commentary. your writing kills me, in a good way of course, and if it's about sports, all the better. my e-mail is
right now i'm watching xavier attempt to slay the ohio state dragon. it would thrill me beyond belief to see osu go down, but they're lucky bastards, so how knows? thats the michigan blood running in me!
thanks for the shout out for michigan state on my blog! go izzo and crew!
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