So, I have to publish this as a regular post because I want to put it in my margins and have no idea how to do so otherwise. Also, if you have not tried this yet, you need to do so immediately. This dressing has the beginnings of a cult following; I'm the parade leader with a baton and whistle and tall fury hat. And maybe one of those sharp capes. I might get a tshirt made up with the recipe right on the front. Those of you that know me well know that I am probably not kidding.
Madness' Drinkable Dressing
1/2c. flaxseed oil (cold pressed pref.)
1/3c. water
1/3c. lemon juice
2TBS balsamic vinegar
1/4c. Bragg Liquid Aminos
1/3c. nutritional yeast (best found in the bulk aisle)
2 cloves of garlic
Blend on high for 30 seconds. I sometimes add fresh Tarragon or fresh Dill.
Put in a glass container or drink directly from the blender. If you manage to get it into a bottle, this will stay fresh for about 2 weeks though hahahaha, like it's really going to last that long.
cocoa hemp hearts bites
2 hours ago
You might add "liquid aminos" after Bragg's because Granny wasn't sure what Bragg's was. They also make vinegar I think.
Now, proceed with saving the world.
Ooo, great call, Marigoldie. Ok, editing taking place now.
i'm not much of a cook but i think i can manage this.
One question. Maybe Marigoldie can help with this too. Where will I find the Bragg's? Whole Foods? Vitamin Cottage? Safeway?
Whole Food should have it for sure. It's similar to soy sauce. Some markets carry it too, I think, depending on how progressive they are. Generally any health food store should have it. And then, anything can be bought online:
The first time I discovered Bragg and nurtritional yeast, I was floored by how much I liked them. They both sound so gross but are actually quite yummy.
I'm all over it.
will report back with results which I predict will be a rave review.
YUM! Nurtritional yeast is really good on popcorn too, my four year old even loves it. It also makes a great mac and cheeze. Have you heard of Joanne Stepaniak, she has the best vegan homestyle recipes.
you know i haven't made this liquid love in a while-you've reminded me to hurry up and do it. and, by the by, misty eyed is right about nut.yeast on popcorn. i spray on olive oil, then sprinkle nut.yeast, stir, repeat until nicely coated. you will die! another delish option to this is sprinkling on smoked paprika (hard to find but a good gourmet place will have it-it's what they use on paella in spain). ps. way to go husband on the droppage of poundage!
all right - I am making this today, just got back from Mother's where I FINALLY located the flax seed oil in the fridge. Whew. Bragg's is on sale!
And yes - nutritional yeast on pocorn - YUM.
Madness, you may be trying to cut down on soy, but I wanted you to know that we've been putting about a half of a block of silken tofu in ours when we want something a little thicker.
We love the dressing so much--we are never without it.
Something's up with comments--it's me, Marigoldieeeeeeee.
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