¡Las Pugs Enmascaradas!
Here they are posing for promotional merchandise and a poster for an upcoming movie, but soon they must get ready to face many fierce opponents such as La Weenie Dog de Mil Mascaras, Diablo Con Cola and the dreaded Muerte Lassie.
Do they look worried? 

Ok, maybe a little. But that's understandable! They are very new to the sport. They feel uncertain about some of the moves they've practiced over the months: The Paw Hammer, The Four-Legged Aerial, the Parejas Wag and the Roll & Beg. Here, Lupe is practicing the tricky Sad Clown Technique. It is a trap for the other team to feel concern about why the clown is sad. When they approach, the pair pounce! This often results in a pin and a victory.

Here, in practice, Lupe sparred against Carmen, one on one. The battle was heated, almost personal, until Lupe ripped off the mask of Carmen. This is almost an insufferable humiliation for a luchadora. If this were to happen in a real match, Las Pugs Enmascaradas would be no more.
Suddenly, during their photo shoot, Las Pugs are challenged by their rival The Tiajuana TeaCake! Carmen pretends not to see. Lupe and the TJ TeaCake lock legs, both death-gripping the scruffs of their necks.
After an attempted (albeit illegal) piledrive to the tail, the TJ TeaCake is able to unlace the mask of Lupe. He is much too fast for the dog. More humiliating than having one's mask ripped off in a match is to have the rival try on and lounge in the mask of the loser. Las Pugs' dream may be dashed before it hatched.

Suddenly, during their photo shoot, Las Pugs are challenged by their rival The Tiajuana TeaCake! Carmen pretends not to see. Lupe and the TJ TeaCake lock legs, both death-gripping the scruffs of their necks.

i cannot stop laughing!
seriously...this may be one of my favorite posts ever.
I have laughed my brains out of my head! They are scattered on the floor like crazy marbles. The Sisters Pug were so patient and yes, worried looking. Thank you for this.
Ridic! Ha hahahahah LOL.
i am a bit obsessed with la lucha, hope someday to 1) have my own mask and 2) go see a match (is that what they are even called?)
i love that your puggles let you mask them, i love the photo of carmen (i think) in the pink mask...her eyes look like she's trying to psyche lupe or teacake out, hahhahaa.
Seriously laughed out loud! Hilarious! :)
Oh my gosh... Que loca! Thank you for making me laugh, this was just too funny.
Good thing I had my $$ on TJ Teacake all along!
L. O. L. !!!
For those of you obsessed with Lucha Libre like my friend Kristen, and the next time you're in LA, check out Lucha Va Voom http://www.luchavavoom.com/. It's a burlesque-lucha-campy combo. Make sure you check out the luchadores page. Hilarious -- but real. Kinda.
Thanks, I just peed my pants and now I have to go change them!! I seriously could not stop laughing! JUST what I NEEDED on a FRIDAY! YOU ROCK!!
Oh my god! Oh, help! I'm going to die from laughing! Wait until I show Peach!
Ah ha ha ha...
that was FABULOUS!!
we're laying in bed laughing, having just read this post!!!
Viva La Paw Hammer!
Also, I saw a guy at the gym two days ago with a very interesting sweat pattern. Made me think of you, lolz.
mama, you are crackin me UP :)
First of all LOVE the pic at the top of your blog... you are so RAD!!!
Second this is the funniest thing ever! you guys are great:)
xox Thea
Hilarious - I love that the pugs are so impassive under the masks!!!
Since laughing is good for one's health, thanks for making my day MUCH healthier today!
That is so funny. I could see my Pearl (she's a black pug) sitting there while I took the photos. I really enjoyed your post.
That is too funny! LOL. I need to get some of those mask for my two Pugs for Halloween. How cool!
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