La Quince de Cynthia is over, finally. The preparation for the event had been long and exhausting -- on top of Maya's already taxing schedule -- and the money we paid for the dress and shoes . . .I can't even imgaine the money Cythia's mother spent. Oh my gosh, a mini wedding practically.
Cynthia is a shy, beautiful girl, and she quite possibly was only appeasing her mother and grandmother with all this quinceñera business. Ah, but sometimes that part of the tradition too.

Here's Maya's chosen escort all flush-faced and clean-cut. He wore a medallion over his tie, which on him was somehow adorable. Maya said things to him during the performance like, don't be nervous. You got this. Don't forget to start with your left foot.

The waltz moved me. Children of a hip-pop generation wanting to please their parents by keeping traditions. And these kids never did this reluctantly or I didn't hear about total dissent. They showed up to a lot of practices and swapped their jeggings for formals and did a great job. The family was proud. So was I.

I love this picture of Cynthia hugging her uncle, her grandmother watching, and the mariachi band surrounding them.

I didn't know Maya had brought other shoes to change into. They were so perfect and cute and her.

Ug, so great.

The converse were a perfect touch when it came time to party, when she could be herself again. Kind of like her own quince, which was so dramatically different. I didn't get a chance to tell you about it. It wasn't really a quince in any traditional sense, but we called it that anyway. Actually we called "MAYA'S ROLLER QUINCE!" Check out these invitations I made:

We had it at a skating rink, one that I went to a few times about 25 years ago. The place is exactly the same. Here is Maya's "quince dress". Gorgeous!:

The Papi-Daughter Dance:

Maya's damas of the court:

A girl becoming a woman:

Whoops, not quite.

She's the perfect mix:
There is something to be said about tradition, no? I loved Maya's Quince - so perfectly her :o)
I love that last photo - just perfect! Cynthia's Quince looked lovely too.
Love love LOVE.
So great, all of it! I love the tradition and the kids honoring that without complaint. And you know I love Maya's relaxed quince -- especially the pic of her and Mina hugging. Too cool.
I love your girls rockin' style. They both seem so free to express themselves, through clothes, but also through their actions. Kudos!
I love this entry. Beautiful words and photos. I used to live around the block from a hall that hosted quince after quince after stuff for someone who at the time had never met a real live hispanic person before! :P Now, come back and write some more! More! MORE!
I have been to one in my lifetime years ago and it moved me to tears. Especially the part where the father took the flats off his daughters feet, reached into an ornate box and removed high heels and slipped them on her. The transition was poignant. Mad merengue dancing afterward!
Maya's looked adorable and she was perfect in her skating quince gown just a wonderful combination of bruised knees and girly perfection.
Where are you Madness? I miss you!! I hope this long lapse in updating means that you are passionately writing something else. Unless you are blogging somewhere else? It is a funny thing about blogging: you read a blog for years and become invested in the lives of the people written about and I feel starved for an update on how you are doing. I hope this summer is finding you deeply involved in another one of lifes diversions.
(a long time reader)
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