I've been in training to take road biking more seriously. For the last three months I've been working out, taking a lot of spin classes, reading/researching nonstop, commuting around on Loops, of course, and most importantly, all these months I've been saving up for a road bike. Today Loops got a sister.

I researched bikes for a long time. I was close to pulling the trigger a couple times, but I had to wade through some emotional shit to commit to such an investment. It was an odd process. It took me a lot of self coaxing to let myself buy not just a bike, but an expensive beautiful piece of cycling technology. After months of this, I test drove this bike, and I was done. This was it. I was in love.
Mina and Husband had gone with me to test the bike. When we left the bike shop, they knew I had finally broken through and that this was going to be the one. I asked Mina what we should name the bike -- she had named Loops after all -- and without hesitation she said Whitey Heidi. Man, we laughed, but I thought OH NO, I don't want that to stick. But it stuck. It's too good, too funny. Whitey Heidi for crying out loud!
As I've gotten stronger, my daydreams of the biking possibilities have gotten grander. A century (a 100 mile bike event) is on the 2009 list for sure. Y'all know I want to do some touring. But maybe if I actually learn how to ride Miss Whitey properly, maybe I'll enter a race or two. Time trials even! Maybe earn a yellow jersey in a Tour de Middle Age. Feh, we'll see. In the meantime, I'll spend the next however many months becoming as one with my beautiful Whitey Heidi.
ooooh...sexy bike.
W. Heidi is HOT! Have fun becoming the next biking phenom!
Congratulations! There is a century ride in the desert near Joshua Tree and it is @ night. I wish I could remember the name of it to send you the link. I ride 1/2centuries around GA and wish I lived closer to train with ya.
Congrats on the bike, and foxy-socks!
She's beautiful!
Love at first sight! Mind your noggin.
Oh wowza!
It's a gorgeous bike and you look incredible on it!
What a great pair you are!!
So proud that you took the plunge and bought her! YAY!
xoxoxo, Jinxi
loving Whitey Heidi!
HA!! Whitey Heidi!
That is one gorgeous Aryan bicycle.
Thanks everybody!
Ok, so, I read your blog religiously and have never commented. Which i realize is sketchy. Buttttt I just never know how to "introduce" myself in these situations? Especially because you are so inspiring to me that i kind of feel like i'm posting on the blog of a comic book superhero. seriously. you write posts that i wish i could write/say things i swear i might have said in my sleep.
BUT but but -- finally i have pulled myself out of internet anonymity. i have been waiting for some sort of convenient bloggy moment to say hello... and thennnnn i saw the pictures of you on your bangin' new bike, i saw you were wearing... could it be... lululemon!? (i work for them and got stupid excited to see ya rocking the origami jacket). anyway, hello! annnnnd end of long winded comment.
Aah Bec, thanks so much for the great comment, and finally the introduction. Now we're friends. And you DO NOT WORK FOR LULULEMON! Yo, I tell my husband once a month I would like my entire waredrobe to be from Lululemon. With cardigans. And bicycle tshirts. And flipflops. I cringed when I first saw the Lulu prices but I swear to god (as I'm sure you know) those clothes LAST and I wear their stuff almost every day. That jacket alone is a solid staple. Seriously. Awesome.
Talk to you later.
Oooh! She's gorgeous! I have to say, it's so exciting to see you move on to the next level with your biking. Of course, now I'm having some serious bike envy. I bought a new one this year though, so I'll have to just admire yours. ;o)
By the way, there is a great (or so I've heard) century in Tahoe the first weekend of June. I'm sure if you train for hills, you'd be ready by June. You just need to get in early on the registration because I've heard they fill up fast.
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