This was in last Sunday's LA Times. The source is the Tax Policy Center.
Here's what you'd pay in taxes under Sens. Obama & McCain's proposals:
If you make less than $19,000.00 . . .
Your average tax saving would be . . .with Obama $567, with McCain $21
If you make between $19,000-$37,600 . . .
Your average tax saving would be . . .with Obama $892, with McCain $118
If you make between $37,600-$66,400 . . .
Your average tax saving would be . . .with Obama $1,118, with McCain $325
If you make between $66,400-$111,600 . . .
Your average tax saving would be . . .with Obama $1,264, with McCain $994
If you make between $111,600-$161,000 . . .
Your average tax saving would be . . .with Obama $2,135, with McCain $2,584
If you make between $161,000-$227,000 . . .
Your average tax saving would be . . .with Obama $2,796, with McCain $4,437
And for the top 5% of earners:
If you make $227,000-$603,400, under Obama you would PAY an additional $121, under McCain you would SAVE $8,159
If you make $603,400-$2.87 million, under Obama you would PAY an additional $93,709, under McCain you would SAVE $48, 862
If you make more than $ 2.87 million (top .1% of earners), under you would PAY an additional $542,882, under McCain you would SAVE $290,708.
The McCain proposal does not look Joe Plummerish to me. So maybe he should lay that already-tired metaphor to rest.
tahini dressing
3 hours ago
I hate how McCain says "share" like it's a dirty word.
wow-that's amazing. take that joe plumber with no plumbers license and all tax delinquent n shit.
Oh wow! Thank you for posting this!
McSAME is full of doublespeaking phrases and absolutely nothing new to provide to this country.
How I hope that most America can see this in a few weeks!
Winx, Jinxi
You know, this is the clear cut info that should be plastered all over CNN and CNBC and the like instead of just sound bites of all the back and forth about virtually nothing.
after the last debate, when they were interviewing 'undecided' voters, a woman took McCain's '$5000 tax credit for health care' and regurgitated it back to the interviewer as a '$5000 tax rebate' (thus causing her to suddenly sway toward McCain's camp), I cringed and didn't know what was worse, that portion of the voters who would take away the same inaccurate information and make a decision based on incorrect info or the fact that the interviewer did not feel the need to correct her.
thanks for posting this. we're going to see Michelle Obama speak on Wednesday. so excited.
I hear you all, my sisters.
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