Dudes, I'm in Vegas for business, but here's my photobooth friday which technically was taken outside of a photobooth from my glorious
Tara Whitney shoot, but I think it counts.
Yesterday, I was sick for exactly 12 hours which is really odd because I don't ever get sick. I awoke, as usual, around six but I felt queasy. I thought, Am I nauseous right now because I don't remember how this feels. Then I thought, Naawww, can't be. Until five minutes later, I was hurling in the toilet. I was pissed. Because of my lifestyle and eating habits, I'm actually insulted when I get sick. Though I felt absolutely miserable, nothing is really sadder than catching your daughters looking at you and wringing their hands while you're vomiting. I looked like death, but I went to the girls, who I don't think have ever seen me throw up, and said, "Did that scare you?" And they said, yes. And I said, "Mami's ok. Maybe just a touch of Tournament SARS."
After most every Taekwondo tournament, one of us has spent the next day puking our guts out. Remember Mina was hurling after the last tournament? Husband is up next and he should be in for a real treat at Junior Olympics.
So, it was either Tournament SARS or it could've been the english muffins. Here's some advise: When you're very hungry and you're totally into non-preservative sprouted grain english muffins and half of the muffins are moldy, maybe don't eat the one that doesn't (really) look moldy. BAD CALL.
So, I threw up all day. I still went to work (LAME!), but my favorite salesguy was getting a HUGE order that we've worked on for weeks and it came down on precisely the day I decided to give myself mold poisoning. I was not going to let someone else place my seven figure PO after all of that. I just had to puke three times while placing it. But I got home by three and slept like the dead smothered in pugs for two solid hours. I awoke sweaty and thrilled and in love anew with feeling well. Nothing tops that feeling, the return to good health.
And now I'm in Vegas. Initially I was bummed about having to go on this trip. Every year, I've gone to this event with Mandy and this is the first I am here without her. Our business trip was full of shopping and spa-going and and talking and hours of primping in a robe. Dudes, The Robe! Hours without children bossing me around or the pressure of time. But, you know, for the first time I have a room all to myself and I'm about to go shopping and then to the spa and then I'll spend hours drinking coffee with nothing on but The Robe and false eyelashes watching SportsCenter on this killer plasma TV. And now I'm excited to be in Vegas.
I'm also feeling a sense of euphoria about the Junior Olympic love and support. Thank you so much. I told Maya about the comments and the pledges for bracelets and her face lit up. When I get home from my Vegas Vacation of One (I'm giddy saying that), I will post the pay pal button and hopefully pictures of the bracelets, and we'll slingslot my baby athlete to Atlanta.
winter squash black bean quinoa
2 days ago
I just got my first cold in ages, and I'm soooo pissed and insulted too. Enjoy Vegas For One, and sign me up for Operation Slingshot.
Girl, I could use some Vegas/spa rejuvenation right now.
You already know how I feel about that particular booth, and those photos. Fantastic.
Good trip to you and f the moldy muffins, I say.
Feel better! but do avoid the (slitghly) moldy muffins from now on! :)
Love the shot, outside the photobooth. Gorgeous girls, both of you!
I bet it wasn't mold. That's what Penicillin is, right? Does it actually make you sick?
Huh, learned something new.
Get well. I don't get how you and your family can look so beautiful in those photos.
What a great place to be in...VEGAS!!! So many cool things to do...hope it isn't too hot for ya though :)
Your life sounds like a whirlwind at the moment, hmmm been a while since I hurled, cant remmeber what it feel like.....
SO LOVING THOSE PHOTOS!!! Awesome. Stupendous. Memorable....hmmmm very very green!
OH Big news in my house too, my daughter, Sarah, came 4th in an International FPS writing competition.....how cool is that!! 4th in the world!! YAYYY
Anyways hope your having fun in Las Vegas!
Hurray for an alone weekend in Vegas. Certainly it would be better with your girl, but even so you are ALONE!! Rejoice mama, you are taking one for all of us girlfriends being bossed around at this moment by someone small. Enjoy!!
A little late on the last post -- but I'm so thrilled to hear about Maya! Be sure to post where we can buy fundraising bracelets. I was a promising child athlete (gymnastics) whose dream was cut short when my family moved overseas because of my dad's job -- my mom tried to help me keep up with it, but Italy is not known for it's gymnastics. She drove me for hours to and from Naples to the nearest competitive team, but even that wasn't competitive enough, and the dream was over. I don't regret the years living in Italy, but I'll always wonder what might have happened. Mostly likely injuries and stunted growth, considering the sport, but who knows what else? But anyway, I got chills reading about the matches - I'm so happy for her!
posting photobooth friday from vegas! hardcore, I LOVE it. lovelovelove.
oh so sorry to hear you got hit with the sickies. and in my opinion, that is the WORST kind of sickies. as you know, me and the fam got something like that back in late january and I would gladly walk over shards of glass to not go through that again, I swear. I sometimes forget that the sprouted grains stuff is raw (wait, it's considered raw, right?). you can bet I'm going to be more careful from now on.
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